Cougar Mountain, July 8, 2001
Cougar Mountain rises from the south end of Lake Sammamish between Bellevue and Issaquah. During the Cold War a Nike missile installation commanded the top of Cougar Mountain, protecting the Puget Sound shipyards and aircraft industries from enemy attack. The military base has given way to a regional wildland park...
The short drive up... houses overlooking Lake Sammamish...
Radar Park atop Cougar Mountain, where I had my Sunday lunch...
Cougar Mountain and the Cold War Connection
Cougar Mountain Zoological Park
The views from Cougar Mountain are some of the finest in the area. I shudder to think of what the future residents of the lodge pictured below will pay for such a panorama...
View from the deck, toward Seattle...
From the deck, toward Bellevue...
This window is right above the hot tub...
Later in the day I went back to the deck above to watch the sun go down, stopping to see some horses on the way back up the hill. The Olympic Mountains are in the background...