Gigi At The Visulite, June 3, 2005
Friday, June 3
Lunch at Gus' Sir Beef. Nephew Ryan performed his lemon routine and Mr. Gus himself came over to observe...
Back at Strawberry Hill... pictures of pictures...
One of Mother's many portraits of Eric "Hoss" Cartwright...
The Stonehenge Memorial, on the Washington State side of the Columbia River, west of Umatilla. Oregon's Mt. Hood looms in the background. I stopped at this place on April 1, 2005, Day 4 of the Big Drive to Carolina...
Gigi and her band held forth at the Visulite in Charlotte and this occasion served as my little farewell hurrah, for I was to start back to Seattle the following day...
Jill and Sister Jan...
Bob Patterson and Pete...
Jill and Pete...
The band...
Tom Kuhn and Sister Jan...
Sister Jan and Pete...
Pete, Sister Jan, and Engineer Matt...
Gigi and Miss Kit-Kat...
Surely one of Tom Kuhn's finer moments...
That Pete...
The following day I began my drive back to Seattle: