Resistance to Adulthood
Adulthood has changed since the 1960's.
This is a difficult topic to present, and many who have not given it much thought will at first reject it. Some will say that I am merely projecting my own shortcomings upon society. While my own shortcomings are numerous, this issue is not a projection. Others have taken note of it as well.
I'm going to gather my thoughts on this subject by first collecting various articles that delve into what I'm getting at here...

Title Publication Date Author Notes
The Death of the Grown-Up. How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization 2007 Diana West Part of this book focuses on the rise of teenage culture in the 1950's and 1960's and how this has led to a general decline in adult virtues and thought. Said decline has produced a societal obsession with adolescent things.

Review - Private Papers, August 24, 2007
Men growing up to be boys...
"Emerging adulthood." This is the positive spin. What I'm exploring on this page is not so positive...